See Ya!

when you’re busy, like really when all your time is spoken for, what is the first leisure item you let go of? what one thing is so insignificant, that when there isn’t time for it, there is seriously just not time for it?

these are the things i take a hard look at and decide if they were even worth my time in the first place. and in most cases they weren’t. i want my time to be filled with things that bring me fulfillment. and if something cannot aid in my busyness, meaning if it doesn’t bring me some needed solace from the chaos, then maybe something else will.

recently, there was this one thing i thought i enjoyed. something i looked forward to doing everyday. as my life became, let’s just say snowed under, this one thing became less fun. i started to look at it as just another obligation vying for my time. so i stopped, cold turkey.

and you know what? … i don’t miss it!

i’ve since started reading again. something i would have told you i absolutely had no time to do … and now, i make time for it even though time is very limited. it brings me peace, solace, and the space to just be still. something i was in dire need of.

when the pressure is on, what is your first thing to go?

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,” Ephesians 5:15

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